First post on my new laptop

03:13PM, 14.06.17 This is my first blog post in a while since my hehehee post. I’m writing this on my new laptop as well. Which I have been planning for almost a month (oppssie daisy). Well, today is a long day for me. I skip work again heheheh because I’m currently sick. My giraffe helps me text my boss and I really appreciate it. Cause I couldn’t do anything in the morning. After that we continue to sleep to around 12:30PM and now I’m writing this post. Well after all the food and friends. So this is the end of … Continue reading First post on my new laptop

April’s last Sunday

10:13 PM, 4.30.17 Today is a good sunday. Weather is nice but I didn’t go outside. My throat still hurt since yesterday and it doesn’t seem to get any better. I spend most of the day playing Dota 2 with my friends. We win most of our game but unluckily lost 1. I’m still pretty upset because we could have won that game. During the last game, I decided to ordered my giraffee food. And because she’s sick as well; I didn’t ordered any cold beverages. Things got bad after that but I got them under control. Anyway everything is … Continue reading April’s last Sunday